Administrative number: 2-2A
Responsible office: Business Office
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Employee Travel Procedure

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This procedure describes the steps Winona State University (WSU) employees follow when traveling on university business.


A. Prior Approval:

Employees fill out and submit a travel request form to their department chair or supervisor at least ten (10) working days prior to the requested travel. The form is signed by the chair or supervisor and approved by the WSU travel office. Travel cannot begin until the employee receives a copy of the approved form. Travel is authorized when the following conditions apply:

  • The travel is primarily for the benefit of the state, and

  • The cost of the travel and absence from work will be offset by benefits accruing to the state, including the professional advancement of the employee.

B. Use of University Vehicles:

University-owned vehicles are for university business only. Authorized drivers must comply with Minnesota statute 16B.55 and policies and procedures of the Minnesota Department of Finance and Administration.

  • Vehicle reservation procedures are found on the WSU Business Office website

  • An insurance ID card is available in all university vehicles, which should be used in case of an accident.

  • All damage to university vehicles must be reported to the WSU Physical Plant.

C. Travel Advances:

Employees traveling on university business may request advances when the cost of the trip exceeds $150.00. Travel advance requests are submitted to the Business Office three (3) weeks prior to the date of travel.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[2-2] Travel Request Form:

A form available on the WSU website that is used for approval of employee travel.

Authorizing Policy:


Revised 8/18/88; 1/12/24

Adoption date: 07/08/1985
Implementation date: 01/12/2024