Administrative number: 5-1
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

Emeritus/Emerita/Retired with Distinction Regulation


This regulation establishes the emeritus/emerita/retired with distinction eligibility requirements for faculty [members of the Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) and the Minnesota State Association of Administrative & Service Faculty (ASF)] and administrators at Winona State University (WSU) and to describe the procedures to be followed in making recommendations for the awards of emeritus or retired with distinction status.

Note: This legacy regulation is currently being considered for updating to a formal Policy and Procedure set:


A. Authority

In accordance with Minnesota State College and University System (MnSCU) Policy 4.8, Emeritus Status: “The president of a college or state university may confer emeritus status upon a faculty member who is retiring from employment with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. This shall be done in accordance with the policy or procedure developed in Subpart A,” which states: “Each college or university, through college or university policy or procedure, shall establish guidelines for the designation of such status.”

At Winona State University (WSU), the President may confer retired with distinction status upon any administrator who is retiring from employment.

B. Eligibility Criteria

Any faculty member who retires from WSU after ten (10) years of service is eligible to be nominated for emeritus/emerita status. The nomination should be based upon the principles of demonstrated consistent performance and high achievement (i.e., teaching excellence, scholarly achievement, contributions to student growth and development, and service to the University and community.)

Any administrator who retires from WSU after ten (10) years of service is eligible to be nominated for retired with distinction status. The nomination should be based upon the principles of demonstrated consistent performance and high achievement (i.e., teaching excellence, scholarly achievement, contributions to student growth and development, and service to the University and community).

Any faculty member is eligible to be nominated for posthumous emeritus/emerita status and any administrator is eligible to be nominated for posthumous retired with distinction status.

3. Procedure

1. In October and February of each year, the Human Resources Office will forward a copy of this procedure and appropriate forms to those departments or areas in which eligible personnel have indicated an intention to retire.

2. The department or area will nominate eligible personnel by completing the attached recommendation form and forwarding it to the appropriate dean/vice president.

3. The vice president will forward the recommendation to the President for a final recommendation and/or approval.

4. The President’s Office will forward the approved recommendations to the Publications Office for typesetting and framing.

5. Emeritus/Emerita or retired with distinction status will be conferred upon personnel at the All-University Employee Recognition Ceremony in spring. Members of the Faculty Association and the Administrative & Service Faculty will also be recognized at Commencement.

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Dates of Revisions: 02/19/2009, 12/08/2009

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 12/08/2009