Administrative number: 2-23
Responsible office: Security
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Emergency Notification Policy


This policy describes actions Winona State University (WSU) takes to adhere to the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy & Campus Crime Statistics Act, also known as the Clery Act. Authorized representatives distribute Emergency Notifications to the WSU community when a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurs to protect the safety and security of the WSU campus community.


An authorized representative will immediately notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on a WSU campus that presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[2-23] Authorized representative:

The University officials allowed to issue emergency notifications, including the Vice-President of Finance and Administration, Director of Security, Associate Director of Security, other full-time security personnel, Director of Marketing and Communications or designee(s), and the designated WSU-Rochester representative(s).

[2-23] Clery Act:

A federal statute codified at 20 U.S.C. ยง 1092(f), with implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. 668.46. The law requires colleges and universities to report campus crime data, support victims of violence, and publicly outline policies and procedures in place to improve campus safety.

[2-23] Significant Emergency or Dangerous Situation:

An imminent or impending threat (e.g., current fire within a building; outbreak of meningitis, norovirus, or other serious illness; approaching tornado or other extreme weather condition; gas leak, explosion, or hazardous chemical spill; terrorist incident, armed intruder, or bomb threat; train derailment; civil unrest). Power outages, snow closures, or strings of larcenies do not necessitate an emergency notification.

[2-23] WSU Campus:

All WSU campuses including WSU-Winona, WSU-Rochester-Broadway campus, and WSU-Rochester-RCTC campus.


Adoption date: 07/01/2024
Implementation date: 07/01/2024