Administrative number: 8-4A
Responsible office: Enrollment Management & Student Life
Responsible officer: Dean of Students

Drug and Alcohol Use Procedure: Students (Draft)


This procedure provides details on the Winona State University (WSU) Drug and Alcohol Use Policy as it applies to WSU students.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing.)

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

This procedure only applies to students, and it designates the VP for Enrollment and Student Management as the responsible officer.

[Major changes to the regulation to be added later.]

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by ??/??/20??.


A. Applicability

The WSU Drug and Alcohol Use Policy applies to

  • Students, student groups and organizations, and their guests and visitors on campus.

  • All on-campus university sponsored activities, including student organization sponsored activities.

  • Off-campus behavior related to drugs or alcohol that adversely affects the university or university community members, such as underage consumption; selling or providing alcohol to underage persons; using, selling, or distributing illegal drugs; and hazing.

B. Sanctions

Students who violate the Alcohol and Drug Use Policy are subject to investigative procedures and disciplinary sanctions outlined in the WSU Student Code of Conduct, found on the WSU website. Students who violate local, state, or federal laws are also subject to arrest or other penalties by law enforcement agencies outside the university.

C. Exceptions

In addition to the exceptions noted in Policy 8-4, Drug and Alcohol Use, students whose actions fall within the circumstances outlined in WSU’s Medical Amnesty Policy 4-6 may be exempt from university sanctions.

D. Resources

WSU Health and Wellness Services and the WSU Counseling Center offer assistance and information for students experiencing problems with drug and alcohol use.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[8-4] Alcohol:

Any intoxicating beverage or liquor containing alcohol.

[8-4] Controlled Substance:

A drug, substance, or immediate precursor as listed in Schedules I through V of Minnesota Statute 152.02. The term shall not include distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages, intoxicating liquors or tobacco.

[8-4] Drug:

Any substance listed in Minnesota Statute 152.02, including all forms of marijuana.


Date of Revisions: 12/12/2007

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099