Administrative number: 3-2A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Credit Workshop Procedure (Draft)
This procedure describes how credit workshops are initiated, approved, assigned credit value, and funded at Winona State University (WSU).
A. Credit workshops
Credit workshops and similar educational offerings at WSU differ from regular course offerings in the following ways:
- Workshops often cover current and emerging topics outside of the regular curriculum.
- Offerings may be intended for working professionals, other outside audiences, or currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students, or a combination of these groups.
- Workshops may be delivered outside of the traditional academic calendar, for example, over a weekend or over two or more consecutive days.
- Workshops are intended to be self-supporting through tuition generated.
- Course titles include the word “Workshop,” followed by a semi-colon and the title.
B. Initiation and Approval.
A faculty member or department submits a workshop proposal form to the dean that includes the following information.
- Instructor name or names and degrees/credentials
- Course title
- Proposed course dates and times
- Course description, objectives, and learning outcomes
- Audiovisual equipment requirements
- Instructor biographical sketch including information on education, credentials, professional experience, and qualifications
- Course grading requirements
- Maximum enrollment and intended course audience (undergraduate, graduate, and/or practicing professionals)
- Instructor Curriculum Vitae or resume, undergraduate, and graduate transcripts (if instructor is not a member of the WSU faculty)
The dean reviews and approves the form, including approval of the credentials of the instructor if the instructor is not a member of the WSU faculty. The form is forwarded to the Adult Continuing Education (ACE) Office for review and input. ACE provides support in scheduling and implementing the workshop.
C. Credit Value
The following criteria are used to determine the credit value of a workshop.
- One credit requires a minimum of 15 teacher-contact hours as defined in the WSU Catalog.
- One credit requires a minimum of two days of class time.
- A maximum of two credits may be earned in one calendar week of class time (five to seven days).
- A maximum of four credits may be earned over two calendar weeks of class time.
Exceptions may be considered in the case of alternative delivery systems such as distance or online instruction.
D. Funding
Workshops can be funded by the department, college, ACE, or other outside agencies. ACE prepares a budget including income, direct expenses, and indirect expenses. Income can be generated from fees, sponsorships, and other sources as well as tuition generated. Course enrollees can be charged additional fees for meals or items retained by them. Direct expenses can include instructor pay and expenses; cost of facilities, parking, and food; marketing and technical costs; and material costs. Indirect expenses include administrative costs incurred by ACE. Net income is shared among the department or college, ACE, and the WSU general fund.
Related definitions:
[3-2] Credit workshop:An educational offering, in the form of a workshop, seminar, conference, tour, or other similar form, that provides academic and professional experience to students and/or working professionals or other outside audiences. Workshops are based on current or emerging topics outside of the regular curriculum and can be offered outside of the traditional academic calendar.
Authorizing Policy:
Adoption date:
Implementation date: