Administrative number: 3-2
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Credit Workshop Policy (Draft)
This policy defines how credit workshops are created and offered at Winona State University (WSU).
Workshops and similar educational offerings are designed to provide academic experiences, often for working professionals, in emerging areas and on topics outside of the regular undergraduate and graduate curriculum. At WSU, workshops are initiated by faculty and approved by the department chair and the dean. Workshops are taught both by university faculty and by experienced professionals and are intended to be self-supporting based on tuition generated.
Related definitions:
[3-2] Credit workshop:An educational offering, in the form of a workshop, seminar, conference, tour, or other similar form, that provides academic and professional experience to students and/or working professionals or other outside audiences. Workshops are based on current or emerging topics outside of the regular curriculum and can be offered outside of the traditional academic calendar.
Subsequent Procedure:
Adoption date:
Implementation date: