Administrative number: 3-35A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Credit for Prior Learning – External Assessments Procedure

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This procedure establishes practices for providing credit for prior learning opportunities to admitted Winona State University (WSU) undergraduate and graduate students through external university assessment and evaluation.


A. Types of External Assessments and Associated Processes.

1. Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations, and College Level Examination Program examinations

  1. The student requests that the AP, IB, or CLEP results be sent to the WSU Admissions Office.

  2. Admissions staff award credit based on published standards and enter those credits into the student record system.

  3. Standards used conform to outside agencies such as the American Council on Education (ACE) when appropriate and are published on the WSU website.

2. Credit for Other National Standardized Examinations

WSU may award credit to students who earn an institutionally determined score on other national standardized exams, including, but not limited to, National Occupational Competency Institute (NOCTI), Thomas Edison Credit by Exam (TECEP), Excelsior, and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST).

  1. The student requests that results be sent to the WSU Admissions Office.

  2. Admissions staff review the results and enter credits awarded into the student record system.

3. Military Credits

WSU recognizes and awards academic credit for courses and occupations that were part of military training or service and meet the standards of the American Council on Education (ACE) or equivalent standards for awarding academic credit through the Joint Services Transcript (JST).

  1. The student works with the WSU Veteran’s Office to retrieve the JST online from the appropriate military website.

  2. The Admissions Office receives the JST, accepts the ACE recommendation, and enters credits awarded into the student record system.

B. Awarding and Recording of Credits, Fees, and Responsibilities

1. Awarding of credit

Credits awarded through CPL – External Assessments are awarded as courseequivalency or as individual course electives. Credits awarded may fulfill general, technical, Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC), major/minor, and/or elective courses.

2. Credit Limit for CPL – External Assessment

WSU does not limit the total number of credits students can earn through CPL – External assessments.

3. Fees for CPL – External Assessment

WSU does not charge students tuition or fees for credit awarded for CPL – External assessments and documentation processing services.

4. Resident Credit

Credit awarded through CPL – External Assessments do not count toward the university residency credit requirement.

5. Recording of credit awarded

WSU Warrior Hub or Admissions staff record the credit awarded through CPL – External Assessments on the official student transcript. The source of the credit award and the course equivalency, when applicable, are designated on the official student transcript.

6. Student appeal

Student appeals of CPL decisions are addressed through the college or university academic appeals process as stated in WSU Policy 3-35.

7. Transfer of Credit

Credit for prior learning is accepted in transfer by the university according to Minnesota State Policy 3.21 and Procedure 3.21.1 Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer.

8. University Responsibility

WSU provides students with timely and readily accessible information about opportunities for CPL in official publications such as the university catalog, web sites, and advising materials. WSU offers information and resources on portfolio preparation.

Related Documents

Related definitions:

[3-35] Advanced Placement (AP):

A College Board program offering college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. Colleges and universities use the examination scores to determine course placement and award course credit to students.

[3-35] American Council on Education (ACE):

ACE is a major coordinating body for colleges and universities that provides leadership and a unifying voice on key higher education issues.

[3-35] American Council of Education (ACE) credit recommendation:

ACE offers a nationally recognized assessment service that provides standardized reviews and credit recommendations for college-level learning achieved through third-party study-exam programs, professional and certification trainings and assessments, and military training and assessments.

[3-35] The College Board:

A non-profit organization that prepares and administers standardized examinations used by colleges and universities for student admissions, placement, and awarding credit for prior learning.

[3-35] CPL – External Assessments:

Assessment methods and processes used by a nationally recognized third-party assessment agency or organization, a regionally or nationally accredited postsecondary institution, or a provider of noncredit instruction that could result in credit for prior learning. Students demonstrate a level of proficiency that is recognized through curriculum, instruction, program, or standardized examination. CPL external assessment types may include AP, IB, CLEP, and other national standardized assessments; world languages seals and certificates; industry recognized credentials, licenses, and certifications; and noncredit instruction in programs such as registered apprenticeships, continuing education, and customized training.

[3-35] College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations:

CLEP examinations, prepared and administered by The College Board, assess student knowledge of lower division college and university course material in specific subject areas.

[3-35] Credit for Prior Learning (CPL):

Academic credit awarded for demonstrated college- and university-level learning gained through learning experiences outside of the college or university classroom, assessed by academically sound and rigorous methods and processes.

[3-35] International Baccalaureate (IB) Program:

The International Baccalaureate Foundation, a non-profit organization, offers the internationally recognized IB program through which a secondary student completes a comprehensive curriculum of rigorous study and demonstrates performance on IB examinations.


Adoption date: 11/07/2023
Implementation date: 11/07/2023