Administrative number: 3-19
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Course/Program Banking Policy Regulation


This regulation describes how courses and programs are banked at Winona State University (WSU).

Note: This legacy regulation is currently being considered for updating to a formal Policy and Procedure set:


A. Inactive Courses And Programs

Prior to the printing of each General Catalog, departments will review inactive courses and programs. Courses and programs determined to be inactive generally will be removed from the catalog; a department will provide the dean with justification for retaining a course or program which has not been offered during the previous four years.

Inactive courses and programs may be unconditionally dropped from the department’s curriculum or inactive status by following the banking procedure.

B. Banking Procedure

1. A department will send a written request to the appropriate dean with a rationale for proposing banking either a course or a program. If the request is approved by the dean, s/he will officially notify the Academic Vice President. The course syllabi for each course approved for banking will be attached and will be retained in the dean’s file.

2. A copy of the banking notification specifying program title or course title and number will be sent to A2C2 for information purposes only.

C. Reinstating Procedure

To reinstate a banked course or program, the following procedure is completed:

1. A department will officially request removal of a banked course from the appropriate dean with a rationale demonstrating a need for the course or program.

2. The department will provide information of the reinstatement decision to A2C2; the notification will include a copy of the past and current course syllabi.

3. The same program title or course number will be used as was in effect at the time of banking.

4. Changes in the content of a program or course will be subject to A2C2 regulations on course and program proposals.

5. Any course or program that has been approved for banking and not been reinstated within a period of five years will be permanently suspended.

Programs which are temporarily or permanently suspended are subject to SUB policy which should be reviewed in conjunction with any departmental decision for banking a program.


Adoption date: 03/06/1986
Implementation date: 09/27/2005