Administrative number: 2-7A
Responsible office: Business Office
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Chargeback of Service Units Procedure

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This procedure provides guidelines for cost recovery when one Winona State University (WSU) department provides charged services for another department.


Employees requesting services complete a chargeback form provided by the department providing the service, adding any additional information or special instructions necessary to fulfill the request effectively. Completed forms include an assigned account number and the signature of the department head or an appointed designee.

The department providing the service (service unit) submits an itemized bill to the business office after completing the request.

The WSU Business Office transfers the funds from the department receiving the service to the department providing the service and records the transaction.

The service unit maintains detailed records of the transaction.

Related definitions:

[2-7] Campus Services:

Any service performed by one WSU department for another department, e.g., printing or publication of materials or provision of laptop computers.

[2-7] Current Costs:

The actual expense incurred by a service unit to provide a campus service.

[2-7] Service Unit:

A WSU department that provides services for other WSU departments.


Date of Revisions: 08/18/1988, 08/13/2007

Adoption date: 12/08/1976
Implementation date: 01/12/2024