Administrative number: 2-7
Responsible office: Business Office
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Chargeback of Service Units Policy

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This policy describes how costs are recovered for departments providing campus services to other departments to assure consistent and fair practices across Winona State University (WSU).


Departments that receive charged services from a WSU service unit will be charged by the WSU Business Office based on the current cost of those services.

Related definitions:

[2-7] Campus Services:

Any service performed by one WSU department for another department, e.g., printing or publication of materials or provision of laptop computers.

[2-7] Current Costs:

The actual expense incurred by a service unit to provide a campus service.

[2-7] Service Unit:

A WSU department that provides services for other WSU departments.


Date of Revisions: 08/18/1988. 08/13/2007

Adoption date: 12/08/1976
Implementation date: 01/12/2024