Administrative number: 2-24A
Responsible office: Security
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Procedure

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This procedure describes the identification, training, and responsibilities of Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) at Winona State University (WSU). CSAs are a requirement of the Clery Act and perform duties that are necessary for WSU to maintain institutional compliance with the Clery Act.


A. Campus Security Authorities

CSAs are identified annually by University Deans, Cabinet members, Housing and Residence Life administrators, student club administrators, Director of Security, and other individuals or departments responsible for the coordination of student activities on and off campus.

When determining if an individual or office is a CSA the University will consider the function of the individual or office. The University looks for officials, not support staff, whose functions involve relationships with students.

Examples of individuals (outside of Campus Security) who generally meet the criteria for being a CSA include:

    • Dean of Students
    • Director of Athletics, all athletic coaches (including part-time employees, volunteer coaches, and graduate assistants)
    • A faculty advisor to a student group or club
    • A Hall Director, Assistant Hall Director, student resident advisor
    • A student who monitors access to residence halls
    • A coordinator of Greek affairs
    • A Title IX Coordinator
    • An ombudsperson (including student ombudspersons)
    • The Director of Health and Wellness
    • The Director of Counseling Services
    • Victim advocates or others who are responsible for providing victims with advocacy services
    • Officials from local law enforcement who are contracted by the University to provide campus safety-related services

Examples of individuals who would not meet the criteria for being a CSA include:

    • A faculty member who does not have any responsibility for student and campus activities beyond the classroom
    • Clerical or cafeteria staff

B. CSA Responsibilities

In a timely manner, CSAs report Clery Act crimes or criminal incidents that are reported to them to WSU Security.

A CSA’s responsibilities include the following:

  1. Completing annual online or in-person CSA training

  2. Completing an annual crime reports collection survey.

  3. Report Clery Act crimes or criminal incidents to WSU Campus Security by using the WSU CSA Report Form.

CSAs should call WSU Security or 911 if notified of a crime in progress or an ongoing threat to the WSU campus community.

CSAs are not responsible for investigating or reporting incidents that they learn about in an indirect manner, such as through overhearing hallway conversation or class discussion, or in a speech, workshop, or any other form of group presentation.

In most cases, CSAs can fulfill their responsibilities without disclosing personally identifying information. WSU uses CSA reports to compile statistics required by the Clery Act and to help determine if there is a serious or continuing threat to the safety of the campus community that requires an alert (timely warning notification or emergency notification).

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[2-24] Annual Security Report (ASR):

A public annual security and fire safety report required by the Clery Act to be distributed to employees and students every October 1st. The ASR includes campus crime statistics for the proceeding three (3) calendar years and policy statements related to campus safety and security for the current year.

[2-24] Campus Security Authority (CSA):

An individual responsible for reporting allegations of Clery Act crimes that are reported to them in their capacity as a CSA. A CSA is identified as anyone in the following categories:

  1. All members of the campus security department
  2. Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security, but who do not work for the campus security department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into University property)
  3. Any individual or organization specified in the WSU Annual Security & Fire Safety Report as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses (WSU Primary CSAs)
  4. An official of the University who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings
[2-24] Clery Act:

A federal statute codified at 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), with implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. 668.46. The law requires colleges and universities to report campus crime data, support victims of violence, and publicly outline policies and procedures in place to improve campus safety.

[2-24] Clery Act Crimes:

The Clery Act lists crimes requiring notification, including the following: Murder, non-negligent manslaughter, and manslaughter by negligence; rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape; robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and arson; arrests and referrals for disciplinary actions including liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession; hate crimes including larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, and destruction / damage / vandalism of property; dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

[2-24] Official:

Any person who has the authority and duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution.

[2-24] WSU Primary CSA:

A Winona State University person or organization designated to receive reports of criminal offenses from students and employees as specified in the WSU Annual Security & Fire Safety Report.


Adoption date: 07/01/2024
Implementation date: 07/01/2024