Administrative number: 2-19
Responsible office: Facilities
Responsible officer: Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management

Building Key and Building Security Policy and Procedures Regulation


This regulation describes the policies and procedures regarding the issuance and return of office and building keys at Winona State University (WSU).

Note: This legacy regulation is currently being considered for updating to a formal Policy and Procedure set:


A. Background

Controlling the issuance and return of office and building keys is a major aspect in providing security for property and facilities at Winona State University (WSU). It is also necessary to maintain an accurate recordkeeping system for key issuance and return. The responsibility for the issuance of keys and the administration of these procedures is assigned to the Facilities Services Offices.

The following guidelines and procedures apply to the issuance and return of keys for all classified and unclassified employees in full-time permanent employment status.

B. Guidelines

1. An employee will be originally issued, upon request, one (1) key per office (room) and/or building as approved by the department chairperson/ supervisor. Duplicate keys will not be issued (except as noted in (5)).

2. All WSU keys will be kept in a secure place when not in use or in the personal possession of the employee to whom they are issued.

The employee who signed for the key(s) remains responsible and liable for the security and safety of the key(s) until the key(s) are returned to the Facilities Services Office. If an employee loses an original key for any reason, he/she will be required to pay from personal funds a twenty dollar ($20.00) fee per key. The twenty dollar ($20.00) fee will be paid at the Cashier’s Office in Somsen and a copy of the receipt given to the Facilities Services Department to verify payment. If a key is allegedly stolen it shall not be considered an exception to the twenty dollar ($20.00) fee.

If an employer finds a lost key, for which they previously paid a twenty-dollar ($20.00) fee, a partial refund of ten dollars ($10.00) will be returned to the employee.

3. An issued key is to be used only by the employee who requests it. No key will be given to an unauthorized person for any reason. Employees within a department or office will not exchange keys. This applies particularly to employees changing offices or positions at the University. The key issuance and return procedures, outlined in this policy, must be followed in all cases.

4. Part-time employees or adjunct faculty will normally not be issued keys. Exceptions may be considered, for example, when a part-time/adjunct employee is assigned an office, or teaches a class during hours when the building is normally closed.

5. Keys for special purposes, such as musical instrument cabinets, athletic equipment rooms, vaults, etc., shall be the responsibility of the appropriate department chairperson.

Students will not be issued keys to academic buildings. However, if there is a designated need that necessitates a student having a key, that key will be issued to the department chairperson, who will be responsible for the reassignment of the key to the student. In order to issue a key under these circumstances, a written justification from the department chairperson must accompany the key request form.

Keys for student groups/activities will also be issued to department chairpersons or specified group advisors. In the above instances, department chairpersons and student group advisors are encouraged to develop individual key procedures for the reassignment of keys to students, adjunct faculty, etc. This internal system for key issuance will further increase the security effort by recognizing the need to restrict and regulate key issuance.

6. All WSU building keys will be returned personally to the Facilities Services Office in the Service Building when: job duties no longer require a particular key; an employee retires from WSU; or an employee no longer is a permanent employee of WSU. Until a key is returned to the Facilities Services Office, the employee to whom the key was originally issued remains responsible for the key.

It will be the responsibility of Human Resources to notify Facilities Services either by email, fax, or written memo of an employee’s ending date of employment. The locksmith will be given a copy of the notice from Human Resources so the employee’s keypunch access code can be removed from the computer program. Human Resources Personnel will inform the employee of the requirement that he/she personally deliver all WSU keys in his/her possession to Facilities Services.

When a building is “re-keyed”, all old keys must be returned before new keys are issued according to the key issuance and return procedures, outlined in this policy. No keys, key blanks, cores locks, or any key hardware will be ordered from a manufacturer or supplier by any person other than Facilities Services. This includes keys for special purposes as outlined in guideline in E.

7. At least once a year, all employees will be asked to verify key issuances and possessions.

Facilities Services personnel will be responsible for the unlocking and locking of outside doors to coincide with class schedules. Department chairpersons and/or instructors will be responsible for sending an e-mail message or written memo to Facilities Services to arrange for the opening of classrooms/buildings after regular hours.

If a building is used after hours for a university related function/activity/class, a staff member must be present to assume responsibility. The staff member is responsible for the students and the building while open and for closing the building upon completion of the assignment. Outside doors must never be propped open. If an accident occurs or if a theft takes place, an investigation by law enforcement personnel could find negligence on the part of the staff member.

If an intermittent need arises to gain access to a building, room or area after regular hours, during breaks, etc, the staff person responsible for that area must give Security Services a list of names of those who are authorized to access that area. It will be Security’s responsibility to permit access after regular hours to a building, room, or area according to the lists they have been provided.

D. Exceptions To Policy

In case of disagreement with or exception to the above procedures or guidelines, an appeal may be made, in writing, explaining the reason for the disagreement or exception. All appeals will be made to the appropriate dean or vice president.


Dates of Revisions: 8/18/88, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 09/07/1984
Implementation date: 08/13/2007