Administrative number: 3-36A
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

ASF Special Initiative Awards Procedure

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This procedure describes the application process and criteria used for awarding Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF) Special Initiative Awards (SIA) at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Eligibility

Eligibility requirements are established in the ASF Master Agreement Article 12, Section I. Special Initiative Awards may be submitted by individual ASF members, groups of ASF members, or ASF members participating in collaborative projects with other faculty or staff.

B. Application Process

Deadlines for this process are approved at Meet and Confer and posted in the WSU Academic Deadline calendar.

  1. An SIA Committee consisting of three WSU administrators and two ASF members is established through the Meet and Confer process each year.

  2. ASF members complete and submit proposals to their immediate supervisor using the SIA Application Form.

  3. SIA proposals include information on how the initiative will benefit the university, its mission, and/or the Minnesota State system; specific goals for the project; a timeline; and an assessment plan.

  4. The supervisor reviews and forwards the proposal with comments to the SIA Committee.

  5. The SIA Committee reviews proposals, providing written suggestions for improvement to the applicant if needed.

  6. The SIA Committee submits proposals to the President, including a recommended minimum dollar amount for each award.

  7. The President reviews the proposals and selects applicants to be granted SIA awards. The decision of the President is final.

C. Reporting Process

The SIA recipient begins work on the project after approval by the President.

  1. SIA recipients submit a report describing the work completed and results achieved to the SIA Committee by June 1 or by an alternative deadline mutually agreed to by the applicant and the supervisor.

  2. The SIA Committee reviews the report and submits a recommendation to the President for the final dollar amount of the award based on work completed and results achieved. Payment is made according to the specifications in the ASF Master Agreement Article 12 Section I.

  3. SIA recipients present the results of their work at a regularly scheduled campus ASF membership meeting.

  4. The President provides a list of SIA recipients, including the final amount of each award, to the ASF campus association president.

D. Criteria for Review and Approval

The following criteria are used in reviewing SIA proposals.

  • Potential benefit of the proposal to the university, its mission, and/or the Minnesota State system.

  • The comprehensiveness of the assessment plan.

  • The number and recency of prior SIA awards granted to the applicant. Preference is given to those with the fewest and least recent SIA awards.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[3-36] Special Initiative Awards:

A monetary award granted to an ASF faculty member to conduct or participate in a project that benefits the university, its mission, or the Minnesota State System.


Date of Revisions: 11/10/2011, 07/01/2024

Adoption date: 11/17/2009
Implementation date: 07/01/2024