Administrative number: 3-17A
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

ASF Sabbatical Leave Procedure

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This procedure describes the application process and criteria used for awarding Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF) sabbatical leave at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Eligibility

Eligibility requirements are established in the ASF Master Agreement Article 15, Section C.

B. Application Process

Deadlines for this process are approved at Meet and Confer and posted in the WSU Academic Deadline calendar.

  1. ASF Members complete and submit applications for sabbatical leave for the following year to their immediate supervisor.

  2. The supervisor reviews and makes a written recommendation to the appropriate vice president, including a proposed plan for how the employee’s duties will be covered during the leave period.

  3. The vice president reviews the application and makes a written recommendation to the President, including a rank order in the case of multiple recommendations for approval.

  4. The vice president provides a copy of the written recommendation to the applicant and the ASF local association president.

  5. The President reviews the applications, selects applicants to be granted sabbatical leave, and notifies all applicants of approval or denial.

  6. Approved applicants accept by completing the Sabbatical Leave Agreement Form.

  7. The President provides a final list of all approved and denied sabbaticals to the ASF local association president.

Sabbatical leave recipients submit a report within 30 days of the completion of the leave through their supervisor and vice president to the President describing what was accomplished and how the accomplishments related to the sabbatical plan.

C. Criteria

The following criteria are used in reviewing applications for sabbatical leave.

  • The extent to which the leave will enhance the employee’s contribution to WSU.

  • The number and recency of prior sabbaticals granted to the applicant. Preference is given to those with the fewest sabbaticals and the longest time between sabbaticals.

  • Multiple applications from the same department or multiple applications from unit heads are not acceptable reasons for approval or denial of the application.

  • The time period proposed by the applicant is not an acceptable reason for approval or denial of the application.

All parties will make efforts to procure sufficient funding so that lack of funding is not a factor in approval or denial of sabbatical leave.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[3-17] Sabbatical Leave:

A paid leave of absence granted to a faculty member to pursue additional study or participate in other activities that will enhance the faculty member’s contribution to the university.

Authorizing Policy:


Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 4/28/93, 8/13/07, 9/11/08, 2/10/11, 1/23/2014, 11/06/14

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 07/01/2024