Administrative number: 3-16A
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

ASF Professional Improvement Funds Procedure

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This procedure describes the application process and criteria used for awarding Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF) Professional Improvement Funds (PIF) to eligible Winona State University (WSU) faculty members.


A. Eligibility

Eligibility requirements are outlined in Article 15, Section B of the ASF Master Agreement and subject to available funds.

B. Application Deadlines

There are three rounds of funding each fiscal year with the following deadlines:

    • September 15
    • December 15
    • March 15

C. Funds Available for Allocation

  • One-third of the ASF PIF holding account’s balance is available for first round applications.

  • One-half of the ASF PIF holding account’s remaining balance is available for second round applications.

  • The remaining balance is available for third round applications.

  • Any undistributed funds in the holding account can be disbursed as requested at the discretion of the President.

D. Application Process

  1. ASF members apply for funds by submitting an Application for Professional Improvement Funds form to their direct supervisor by the published deadline.

  2. The supervisor reviews and forwards a recommendation for each application to the appropriate Vice President (VP) within five business days, based on the award criteria listed below.

  3. The VP forwards applications to the President with recommendations for funding within five business days.

  4. After reviewing the recommendations of the supervisor and the appropriate VP, the President approves or denies PIF funding based on those recommendations within ten business days.

  5. The President notifies applicants of final approval or denial and arranges for disbursement of funds.

A maximum of $1,500 may be awarded to an individual in any one fiscal year. Although the intent is to spend these funds in the same fiscal year that the PIF funds were approved, recipients may carry the funds over to a second fiscal year. At the end of the second fiscal year, all unspent funds will be returned to the PIF holding account.

The President sends the ASF campus association president a copy of all PIF grant application decisions after each application round.

E. Award criteria

Professional improvement or development activities must be in the best interest of the university in improving the job-related skills and competence of the ASF Member.

F. Reporting Requirement

Within thirty days of completion of the professional improvement or development activity, the ASF member submits a Report for Use of Professional Improvement Funds form to their supervisor outlining the activity completed and analyzing the impact on job-related skills and competence.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[3-16] Professional Improvement Funds:

Monetary support used for improving professional competence.


Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 4/28/93, 8/13/07, 9/11/08, 2/10/11, 1/23/2014, 11/06/14

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099