Administrative number: 3-16
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Housing

ASF Professional Improvement Funds Policy


This policy describes the awarding of Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF) Professional Improvement Funds (PIF) to eligible Winona State University (WSU) faculty members.


The President awards ASF Professional Improvement Funds to eligible WSU faculty members through an application process aligned with criteria established in the ASF Master Agreement.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[3-16] Professional Improvement Funds:

Monetary support used for improving professional competence.


Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 4/28/93, 8/13/07, 9/11/08, 2/10/11, 1/23/2014, 11/06/14

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099