Administrative number: 5-4A
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

ASF Employee Evaluation and Development Procedure (Draft)


This procedure describes the process and tools used in completing evaluation and development plans for Administrative Service Faculty (ASF) employees at Winona State University (WSU).

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing)

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

This procedure now designates the Director of Human Resources as the responsible officer. This version of the policy provides a definition for “ASF Evaluation/Development Plan.” The “tools for evaluation” are now specified in much more detail.

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by 11/01/2024.


A. Submission Process

  • Human Resources sends a reminder to ASF employees and supervisors by April 15 each year. The employee may request a copy of their current position description.

  • ASF Members complete and submit an evaluation/development plan to their supervisor annually on a date determined by the supervisor but no later than July 15.

  • Supervisors complete the evaluation portion, then meet with the employee to review the evaluation and assist in creating the development plan. All ASF employees have a formal performance review at least annually.

  • Any deficiencies noted in the evaluation are addressed in the development plan in accordance with the ASF Master Agreement, Article 10, Section E.

  • Supervisors submit a copy of the evaluation/development plan to WSU Human Resources for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file by September 15.

B. Tools for Evaluation and Development

WSU uses the ASF Evaluation/Development Plan form for the annual evaluation and development process. This form consists of four parts as described below:

1. Job Responsibilities

  • The employee describes major accomplishments, learning experiences, and areas for growth related to their position description.

  • The supervisor provides feedback and suggests next steps.

  • The employee and supervisor indicate if the position description is accurate and, if not, set a target date for updating the position description.

2. Employee Skills and Effectiveness

The employee and the supervisor individually rate the employee as “highly successful,” “successful,” or “needs development” in each of the following categories:

  1. Knowledge and Expertise: Knows and fulfills job responsibilities; knows current issues and trends in assigned area of responsibilities; knows and follows appropriate budget procedures; knows and follows operational procedures.

  2. Planning and Effectiveness: Plans appropriately; completes tasks thoroughly and in a timely manner; ability to manage multiple responsibilities; delegates when appropriate; flexible; dependable.

  3. Communication and Interpersonal Relations: Models cultural competence and sensitivity to diversity; ability to communicate effectively; positive working relationships with prospective and current students, faculty, staff, and community; represents the university competently to external constituencies.

  4. Problem Solving and Decision-Making: Identifies and evaluates problems objectively; formulates sound decisions and recommendations; encourages staff participation in decision-making; demonstrates resourcefulness in problem solving; deals effectively with changing situations; works effectively under pressure.

  5. Leadership and Innovation: Models integrity and ethical behaviors; provides initiative and direction for unit; builds positive relationships internally and externally; models good judgement; provides effective supervision; effectively uses allocated resources; demonstrates creativity and resourcefulness.

  6. Overall Contribution to the Department and University: Understands and contributes to achieving the strategic goals of the university, division, and department; contributes to positive morale; demonstrates interest and involvement in university activities; promotes positive public relations.

The employer and the supervisor may provide comments on any of the above.

3. Previous Year’s Development Plan

  • The employee lists the goals from the previous evaluation/development plan and describes the outcome.

  • The supervisor describes how they supported the employee’s goals and provides feedback on the accomplishment of those goals.

  • If extensive follow-up is required, those actions may be included as a new goal for the subsequent year.

4. Next Year’s Development Plan

  • The employee lists and defines individual goals related to job responsibilities for the next appraisal period.

  • The supervisor provides feedback on goals and describes how they will support the employee in accomplishing the goals.

  • The supervisor provides specific goals and action steps for any needed improvements related to the employee’s responsibilities and/or competencies.

The employee and the supervisor each sign and date the form. Additional documentation may be provided at the discretion of the employee and the supervisor.

Related definitions:

[5-4] ASF Evaluation/Development Plan:

A plan for employee evaluation and development created by the faculty member and based on job performance, skills and effectiveness, and development goals.


Dates of Revisions: 08/18/1988, 08/02/1990, 08/13/2007, 03/10/2014

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099