Administrative number: 2-25B
Responsible office: Finance and Administration
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Deaccessioning for the Landscape Arboretum at Winona State University Procedure

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This procedure provides guidance to the Winona State University (WSU) Landscape Arboretum Director, the All-University Arboretum and Land Stewardship Committee, its sub-committees, landscape services staff, and the administration in determining what tree, shrub, and plant materials, exterior physical objects and landscape features should be deaccessioned based on established conditions.


The Landscape Arboretum Director, a landscape services staff member, a member of the All-University Arboretum and Land Stewardship Committee or any of its subcommittees, or an administrator may recommend the deaccessioning of an acquisition.

A. Deaccession Decision-making

The Landscape Arboretum Director makes final recommendations on deaccessioning to the Committee and administration based on the following conditions:

  • storm damage

  • disease

  • vandalism

  • deterioration or death

  • risk factor due to decline in health

  • change in use of the area in which it is planted or placed (including construction)

  • change in status to invasive by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture or Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

  • other reasons as determined by the Landscape Arboretum Director or the Committee or its sub-committees

If a gift acquisition is deaccessioned, the donor is notified, when possible, of the action and rationale. Donors will be given a 30-day comment period after successful notification. The Landscape Arboretum Director or campus arborist records all deaccessions.

B. Disposal of Plants

Deaccessioned plants are donated, sold, or disposed of with the approval of the Landscape Arboretum Director and Vice President of Finance and Administration. Any invasive or diseased plants are destroyed or disposed of as required by the State of Minnesota or Winona County (e.g., diseased ash trees).

Related definitions:

[2-25] Accession:

The act of adding or something added.

[2-25] Deaccession:

To remove an object/feature/plant material from a collection.


Adoption date: 07/24/2023
Implementation date: 07/24/2023