Administrative number: 2-25
Responsible office: Finance and Administration
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Collections for the Landscape Arboretum at Winona State University Policy

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This policy provides guidance regarding the development of the Winona State University (WSU) Landscape Arboretum, including its grounds and allied properties.


The All-University Arboretum and Land Stewardship Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee) provides vision, oversight, and advice regarding the development and funding of the WSU campus and its allied properties as a regional landscape arboretum. The Landscape Arboretum Director serves on the Committee and coordinates landscape design and implementation with the Committee, its sub-committees, and landscape services staff.

This policy establishes criteria for the acquisition, maintenance, and deaccession of plant materials, gardens, hardscape, and other physical landscape features on the campus grounds and allied properties. The Landscape Arboretum Director and the Committee will review proposed changes to the campus grounds and allied properties and will make recommendations to the administration. The criteria for changes are specified in the accompanying Acquisition, Maintenance, and Deaccession Procedures.

Related definitions:

[2-25] Acquisitions:

The act of obtaining (coming into possession of) or something obtained.

[2-25] Allied properties:

Buildings or environments owned by or associated with Winona State University but not part of the main campus, e.g. Education Village, ball fields, Krueger Woods, etc.

[2-25] Campus grounds:

All the non-building environment on campus and allied properties including turf, gardens (including plants, shrubs, trees), physical features (fountains/pools, signage, foundations for signage/flag poles, benches, tables, waste/recycling receptacles, bike/skateboard racks, etc.), and hardscape (parking lots, sidewalks, steps, etc.).

[2-25] Deaccession:

To remove an object/feature/plant material from a collection.

[2-25] Maintenance:

The work of keeping something in proper condition; upkeep; the routine recurring work required to keep the Landscape Arboretum at Winona State University in such condition that it may be continuously utilized for its intended purpose.


Adoption date: 07/24/2023
Implementation date: 07/24/2023