Administrative number: 3-18A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Appointment of Graduate Faculty Procedure

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This procedure describes the processes involved in the appointment of graduate faculty members at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Approval Process

The appointment of faculty to a graduate faculty status will be made upon recommendation of the department and approval of the College Dean and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

Following recommendation of the department, the department chair or program director has the following responsibilities:

  1. At the beginning of each school year, submit a list of additional faculty who meet the requirements for Doctoral Faculty Status, Graduate Faculty Status I and Graduate Faculty Status II to the College Dean and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Note that those that meet the criteria for Doctoral Faculty Status also meet the criteria for Graduate Faculty Status I and Graduate Faculty Status II.

  2. Graduate Faculty Status II recommendations must be received in the School of Graduate Studies no later than four weeks prior to the start of the graduate course taught. The Department must submit a “Request For Faculty To Teach Graduate Courses” form for each course to the College Dean.

Once approved for a course, faculty need not apply for approval each time the course is taught. However, all Graduate Faculty approvals will expire after seven years and faculty must reapply for the purpose of updating the documentation related to continued status. The School of Graduate Studies may approve faculty to teach a course for one semester only or for other periods of time which are shorter than the seven year limit.

B. Review Process

  1. At the beginning of each new school year, the College Dean will submit to the School of Graduate Studies a list of recommended faculty members meeting the criteria for appointment as Doctoral Faculty Status, Graduate Faculty Status I, and Graduate Faculty Status II. Information provided must include highest degree.

  2. After reviewing this list, the School of Graduate Studies will appoint those qualified to Doctoral Faculty Status, Graduate Faculty Status I, and Graduate Faculty Status II. A letter will be sent from the School of Graduate Studies notifying faculty members of appointment to graduate faculty, and copies will be sent to the College Dean and Department Chair/Program Director. A summary description of all appointments will be sent to the Graduate Council and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

  3. The approval of Doctoral Faculty Status, Graduate Faculty Status I, and Graduate Faculty Status II will be made upon recommendation of the department and approval of the College Dean and the School of Graduate Studies. The recommendation of the College Dean must be received by the School of Graduate Studies no later than four weeks before the course is to begin.

The School of Graduate Studies will maintain records of all approved faculty and provide information to the Deans of current Doctoral and Graduate Faculty Statuses. The detailed description of each designation including qualifications and duties should be carefully followed by all departments when recommending faculty for approval. Special attention must be given to the Appointment Justification section of the request.

Related definitions:

[3-18] Doctoral Faculty Status:

Tenure/Rank Status: Full-time tenured or probationary appointment/ assistant, associate, or professor rank.

Eligibility for Chairing and Serving on Committees, Teaching, and Advising: Doctoral, Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Committee Chair or Committee Member for Projects, Theses, and Papers; Teach and advise Doctoral, Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Students.

Research/Expertise Record: Education: doctoral degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency in the United States. International doctorate from a university approved by the ministry of education in the country where the university resides. Record of scholarship and preparation to teach at the doctoral level. Research and scholarship appropriate to the program and degree offered. Evidence of mature, independent work continuing to the present in scholarly, research, or creative activities. Such evidence may include, but is not limited to, published books, scholarly monographs, articles or other appropriate refereed journals, presentations, consultancy, or other significant scholarly and professional activity.

[3-18] Graduate Faculty Status I:

Tenure/Rank Status: Full-time tenured or probationary faculty appointment or fixed term appointment/ assistant, associate, or professor rank.

Eligibility for Chairing and Serving on Committees, Teaching, and Advising: Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Committee Chair for Theses and Papers; Doctoral, Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Committee Member for Theses and Papers; Teach and Advise Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Students.

Research/Expertise Record: Education: doctoral or master’s degree from an institution accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies (North Central Association, Southern Association, etc.). Record of research, scholarship, or achievement appropriate for the graduate program.

[3-18] Graduate Faculty Status II:

Tenure/Rank Status: Adjunct faculty or expert practitioner, and community or content expert

Eligibility for Chairing and Serving on Committees, Teaching, and Advising: Doctoral, Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Committee Member for Theses and Papers; Teach Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Students.

Research/Expertise Record:

Education: Master’s Degree and one of the following criteria (may teach a maximum of 10 credits per year), in the discipline in which they are teaching:

  1. 18 graduate credits in discipline (according to Higher Learning Commission (HLC) “Faculty Guidelines”);
  2. Professional certification; or
  3. Significant experience in the relevant area of specialization and/or professional field.


Date of Revisions: 2009, 2013

Adoption date: 02/23/1992
Implementation date: 05/02/2018