Administrative number: 1-4A
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

All-University Committees and Task Forces Procedure

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This procedure establishes the steps involved in the formation and operation of Winona State University (WSU) all-university committees and task forces.


A. Formation

New all-university committees and task forces are created as follows:

  1. A university bargaining unit, association, department, cabinet member, student group, or other member of the university community submits a request to the WSU Cabinet for a new committee or task force.
  2. If the request is approved, the President appoints a cabinet member to create a committee or task force outline containing a draft of the group’s type (committee or task force), charge, rationale, tasks, operating guidelines, membership composition including any ex-officio members, and membership expectations.
  3. Bargaining units and associations provide feedback on the outline, including membership composition.
  4. The cabinet solicits member appointments from the bargaining units and associations, including the student association.
  5. Bargaining units and associations appoint members and send names to the president’s executive assistant. Appointment term (length of appointment) is determined by the bargaining unit or association.
  6. The cabinet appoints an administrative liaison and ex officio members to the committee or task force if applicable.

B. Operation

  • The administrative liaison or other individual specified in the operation guidelines calls the first meeting of the committee or task force.
  • A chair or co-chairs are elected or appointed based on the operating guidelines of the group.
  • The chair or co-chairs call subsequent meetings according to the operating guidelines.
  • Committees and task forces can form subgroups as needed.
  • Ex-officio members are voting members unless specified otherwise in the operating guidelines.
  • Committee and task forces follow procedures according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • The chair, co-chairs, or administrative liaison submit mid-term and annual reports to the WSU Long-Range Planning Committee.
  • The committee or task force can request changes to the charge or membership. The WSU Cabinet approves or rejects changes after requesting feedback from bargaining units and associations.

University search committees, formed for the purpose of hiring new employees, are not subject to this policy and procedure.

Related definitions:

[1-4] All-University Committee:

A group formed to meet on an ongoing basis to share opinions and perspectives and develop recommendations to a unit or the leadership of the university.

[1-4] All-University Task Force:

A group formed to complete a specific task or set of recommendations within a definitive timeline.

[1-4] Bargaining unit:

A group of employees represented by a labor union or association: bargaining units at WSU include AFSCME, Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA), Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE), Middle Management Association (MMA), Faculty Association (IFO), Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF), and MnSCU Administrators.

[1-4] Ex Officio:

Individuals appointed to a committee because of the position they hold.

[1-4] Operating guidelines:

A document detailing the reporting line of the committee or task force, the frequency of meetings, and how the work of the committee will be stored.


Adoption date: 01/12/2024
Implementation date: 01/12/2024