Administrative number: 5-15
Responsible office: Office of the President
Responsible officer: President

AFSCME Position Description Appeal Process Regulation

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This regulations describes how Winona State University (WSU) administers the review process for dealing with position description disputes for employees in the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 6 bargaining unit.


A. Authority

Article eighteen (18), Section 11, the Agreement between AFSCME and the State of Minnesota states: “the Appointing Authority shall develop an internal appeal system to review disputes regarding the accuracy of position descriptions.”

B. Operating Policy

Descriptions of new positions are the sole responsibility of the supervisor. Revisions of existing positions will occur by either:

  1. Initiative by incumbent to suggest new language to better reflect responsibilities which he/she is carrying out. Such new language is subject to approval by the immediate supervisor.

  2. Initiative by the supervisor to make revisions to reflect new or expanded assignments given to the incumbent.

C. Appeal Process

1. If an incumbent feels that his/her position description does not accurately reflect his/her duties, he/she may request review of the position description by submitting the following to his/her supervisor’s supervisor:

  1. his/her current position description as approved by the immediate supervisor;

  2. his/her revised position description containing the disputed language;

  3. a cover memo detailing the points of difference between (1) and (2), and the rationales for his/her disagreement with (1). A copy of this memo shall be forwarded to the area vice president.

2. The supervisor’s supervisor shall review the materials presented and render decision within thirty (30) days of receipt of the materials.

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Date of Revisions: 8/13/07

Adoption date: 03/22/1990
Implementation date: 08/13/2007