Administrative number: 0-2
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

[Informational] Additional WSU policies & resources

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In addition to official Winona State University (WSU) Policies, Procedures, and Regulations, many administrative divisions of the University also develop and administer policies that guide their actions and decisions. These divisional policies also serve as institutional expectations for the University and its students. This page provides links to some of these policies.

Related definitions:

[1-1] Regulation:

The term that previously referred to all policies and procedures adopted by the university. According to Regulation 1-1 (adopted 12/28/1978 and last revised 9/17/2008), “The term University Regulations refers to those policies and administrative procedures established for the internal operation of WSU under the authority delegated by MnSCU. Encompassed in these regulations are those procedures adopted by the President to facilitate the routine and continuing functions of the University and to implement the governing rules, the internal rules, the system policies, state statutes, state agency rules, and collective bargaining agreements.”

[1-1] University Policy:

A set of principles, positions, and rules having application throughout the university and intended to govern the actions of all employees, faculty, students, visitors, and others who come in contact with the university.

[1-1] University Procedure:

A clear explanation of how a policy is generally implemented at WSU.


Adoption date: 08/01/2024
Implementation date: 08/01/2024