WSU Policies: UPC Initial Review

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The WSU All-University Policy Committee (UPC) vets all proposed policy and procedure drafts it has received from responsible officers of the administration. The UPC reviews the drafts to ensure they are in the proper format and suggests stakeholder feedback deadlines. Current drafts at this step are listed on the “UPC Initial Review” webpage, including rationales for revision. If this is the only “policy” listed on that page, there are no current recommendations awaiting UPC initial review.


This policy ensures that all undergraduate and graduate academic programs at Winona State University (WSU) are reviewed on a regular basis.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing)

This policy draft is a proposed update for

The content of this updated policy is identical to the previous version. The only changes are grammatical and stylistic.

The updated procedure combines the previous sections A and B (“Program Review Schedule” and “Program Review Timeline”) into one. It clarifies the timelines in section A, setting clear dates (rather than, e.g., “within 30 days of receipt”) and clarifying expectations for the last steps of the process. (Note that none of the previous specified dates have changed.)

The suggested components of the self-study report are expanded in a separate document. This procedure would provide more guidance to academic departments as they construct their self-study reports for academic program reviews. The phrase “Strategic plan for improvement” has been replaced by “Strategic plan for adaptation.”

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by ??/??/202?.

The purpose of this policy is to describe the restrictions and procedures related to the usage of Winona State University (WSU) buildings and outdoor spaces by university and non-university entities.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing)

This policy draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

This policy now clearly states its purpose and no longer refers to the U.S. Constitution; issues of protest are discussed in the “conditions of use” procedure.

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by 11/01/2024.

This policy establishes Winona State University’s (WSU) policy prohibiting drug and alcohol use and distribution on campus in order to maintain a safe and healthy campus environment.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing.)

This policy draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

This policy designates the Director of Human Resources as the responsible officer for the overall policy. There are two associated procedures, one for students and another for employees, each with a separate responsible office and officer.

[Major changes to the regulation to be added later.]

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by ??/??/20??.