WSU Policies: Candidates for Review

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This regulation establishes a procedure for annually determining the level of the Winona State University (WSU) student activity fee and student union facility fee to be charged in the subsequent year (summer session, fall, and spring) in accordance with Minnesota State Board of Trustees Governing Rules.

This regulation aims to insure efficient use of funds for the acquisition of library supplies and equipment at Winona State University (WSU), to prevent duplication, to encourage shared use, to insure conservation of university property, and to describe the procedures to be used so that library materials and equipment requests may be expedited.

This regulation establishes the administrative procedures to be used in the promotion of faculty at Winona State University (WSU).

This regulation establishes the administrative procedures to be used in the consideration of probationary/non-tenure track faculty for renewal/nonrenewal/tenure and to evaluate the performance of fixed-term faculty at Winona State University (WSU). Reference is to Articles 21, 22, 24, and 25 of the Agreement between the Minnesota State Colleges and University (MnSCU) Board of Trustees and the Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO).

This regulation establishes the posthumous degree eligibility requirements for undergraduate and graduate students at Winona State University (WSU) and prescribes the procedures to be followed in making recommendations for awarding the posthumous degree.

This regulations establishes a system to monitor student employment at Winona State University (WSU) (including work study, student help, and graduate assistantships).

This regulation describes how Winona State University (WSU) honors employees whose service with the University has reached ten (10), twenty (20), thirty (30), or forty (40) years and those employees who have retired or have given notice of intent to retire during a given fiscal year. In addition, the President may designate other employees for special honors.

This regulation establishes guidelines to be used in implementation of flextime work schedules at Winona State University (WSU).

This regulation establishes a training policy for the classified employees of Winona State University (WSU), consistent with the Rules and Regulations of Minnesota Management & Budget (formerly the Department of Employee Relations – DOER). Training is an activity designed to improve and/or increase the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees.

This regulation establishes the method used to distribute Achievement Awards for classified employees covered by the MAPE, MMA, MNA bargaining agreements and the Commissioners Plan at Winona State University (WSU). Achievement Awards exist to compensate employees for meritorious performance.

This regulation articulates the procedures that are followed when it becomes necessary to close the Winona campus of Winona State University (WSU), to begin daily operations later than regularly scheduled, or to cancel academic or non-academic activities due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions. A second purpose is to describe work conditions that prevail during the time that the university is closed. A third purpose is to describe procedures that are followed when an employee is unable to meet work responsibilities because of inclement weather.

This regulations describes how Winona State University (WSU) administers the review process for dealing with position description disputes for employees in the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 6 bargaining unit.

This regulation aims to maintain consistency in news style and avoid duplication of news and information disseminated to the media from Winona State University (WSU), to keep a current master calendar of campus activities, and to enhance media relations through one (1) liaison to avoid confusion.