WSU Policies: Step 1: UPC Initial Review

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This website presents all officially approved Winona State University (WSU) policies, procedures, and regulations. This site also presents current drafts of new/revised policies and procedures, allowing WSU stakeholders an opportunity to review them and provide feedback to the administration before the President makes a final decision to approve or reject them.


All WSU stakeholders have an opportunity to provide feedback on any policy recommendation proposed by the administration. Current recommendations from the All-University Policy Committee and approved by Cabinet are listed on the “WSU Stakeholder Review” webpage, including rationales for revision and suggested feedback deadlines. If this is the only “policy” listed on that page, there are no current recommendations awaiting stakeholder review.

The WSU All-University Policy Committee (UPC) vets all proposed policy and procedure drafts it has received from responsible officers of the administration. The UPC reviews the drafts to ensure they are in the proper format and suggests stakeholder feedback deadlines. Current drafts at this step are listed on the “UPC Initial Review” webpage, including rationales for revision. If this is the only “policy” listed on that page, there are no current recommendations awaiting UPC initial review.


Winona State University is committed to providing equal access to all students. This means we follow several important laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Minnesota Human Rights Act, and the Minnesota Respond, Innovate, Succeed, and Empower (RISE) Act. These laws ensure that students with documented disabilities can request the accommodations they need to participate fully in university events and programs.

Our commitment goes beyond just following the law. We want to make sure you know who to talk to and how to work with Access Services. Our goal is to provide you with the resources and support your need for an equitable learning environment.

Undue Burden/Hardship: An action requiring significant difficulty or expense when considering several factors, including the nature and cost of the accommodation in relation to the size, resources, nature, and structure of the institution.

This procedure sets forth the processes and courses of action the institution will take to adhere to those standards set forth in Policy 1-1 (Student Accommodation Policy), as well as student responsibilities. Winona State wants to make sure students know who to talk to and how to work with Access Services. Our goal is to provide the resources and support students need for an equitable learning environment through a participatory process.