[3-18] Doctoral Faculty Status

Tenure/Rank Status: Full-time tenured or probationary appointment/ assistant, associate, or professor rank.

Eligibility for Chairing and Serving on Committees, Teaching, and Advising: Doctoral, Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Committee Chair or Committee Member for Projects, Theses, and Papers; Teach and advise Doctoral, Master’s, and Graduate Certificate Students.

Research/Expertise Record: Education: doctoral degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency in the United States. International doctorate from a university approved by the ministry of education in the country where the university resides. Record of scholarship and preparation to teach at the doctoral level. Research and scholarship appropriate to the program and degree offered. Evidence of mature, independent work continuing to the present in scholarly, research, or creative activities. Such evidence may include, but is not limited to, published books, scholarly monographs, articles or other appropriate refereed journals, presentations, consultancy, or other significant scholarly and professional activity.